How to Hire a React Native Developer?-A Complete Guide

Downloading an app is becoming more and more popular. As of 2020, there are 218 billion mobile apps worldwide with 23.4 billion U.S dollars spent on them across all platforms – that’s just in Q1. The growth of mobile applications has been staggering, and it might not be such a bad idea to tap into that power for your business. You can find out if you need custom apps by looking at what kind of developer would best suit the task; if anything similar needs development, then chances are to acquire exquisite React Native Developers just who we recommend to make your dreams come to reality.  

What is React Native App Development?

React Native is open-source software that you can use to develop mobile applications. Facebook’s React framework at its core enables the native rendering of apps on both iOS and Android with web-based user interfaces, which saves developers time, money, and resources because they only have one codebase across all devices now.  With the rise of mobile apps and their developers, it’s a safe bet that this isn’t going anywhere any time soon. But if you want access to quality React Native Developers who can take your organization all the way there – earning more business while increasing customer loyalty and engagement, then make sure they’re working with experienced React Native Developers. 

Who is a React Native Developer?

A React Native Developer is a person who is also a JavaScript developer with experience developing native mobile apps. They will be listed as a secondary point on many resumes. Still, you should never assume they are just JavaScript specialists because of this expertise when looking at candidates’ skillsets for hire.  A quality React Native developer can take your organization to the next level, earning you more business and increasing customer loyalty. They are essential for organizations that want to stay relevant in a fast-paced world or top-of-mind when customers come shopping.  React Native developers are in heavy demand, and it’s a tough market to work with. Let’s get into the significant section of getting answers to how to hire React Native developers?; What type of skills do you need to look for?

Hard Skills to Look for in a React Native Developer

Image SourceTechnical Skills for React Native Developer Being able to master complicated technology is what sets the expert React Native developers apart, and it’s something that every candidate should strive for. If you want your application in front of users as soon as possible, then these are some technical skills they’ll be looking at:

Knowledge of some basic React assumptions: 

Native React app developers will need to be familiar with the concepts like Virtual DOM, JSX, and component lifecycle. Checking the developer’s understanding of these terms is necessary for employment because they will have access to resources relevant in their field of work, such as a treble clef’s role within a musical composition. 

Exquisite JavaScript Knowledge: 

Having a deep knowledge of JavaScript is an essential skill for any React Native developer. It’s not just important when building components, but it also helps with understanding how applications are structured and what their flow looks like to make them more efficient as you go along. 

Familiarity with other Tech Tools: 

There are many React Native developer tools you can’t know about, but that will be a big plus if the developer is familiar with some extra ones like Redux, Honeyapp, and Enzyme. Hands-on development Experience with iOS and Android Development: Being a skilled React Native developer is about knowing how to build the interface and what makes each platform unique. Before releasing, every app needs to consider some key differences between iOS and Android, including Objective-C or Swift for different devices with graphics capabilities (phones), layouts optimized towards larger screens versus smaller ones such as smartphones over tablets. 

Creating Clear Codebase: 

Your apps should be easy to read and understand. This is important because you need the source code, which will allow people on your team to work with customers in future updates without difficulties understanding how things work together. Your developers can create beautiful websites, but these features won’t matter much if they have hard-to-navigate messy codebases.

Soft Skills for a React Native Developer

Image SourceSoft Skills for a React Native Developer Soft skills are often more essential than technical ones. What is it that makes software developers great at their job?

Problem-solving Skills:

There will always be problems in any development project, but that doesn’t mean you have to worry. Your developer should be able to find creative and analytical solutions for the inevitable issues. They need a good eye when it comes a time – they’re on their own, after all.  A developer with different industry experiences is helpful to have on your team. They’ll be able to take that widespread knowledge and apply it in situations encountered within the project you’re working on, making sure everything runs smoothly for everyone involved.

Communication Skills:

In a world where we are constantly connected and socially media-savvy, the ability to communicate well with others is paramount. In today’s remote world, you must find a developer who can communicate well and do the work in time. When looking for these developers, discuss their means of communication and the hours they are available to speak on Skype or other video chat programs such as WhatsApp, so there isn’t any confusion. Think about what kind of schedule you’ll have when working together while also considering time zones; this will help both parties make informed decisions before starting any project. Setting up the proper communication channels is essential for any successful partnership. Lastly, it is essential to have open lines of communication between your team. We often see developers unwilling or unable to ask for help when the problem arises and precious time wasted because a solution cannot be found in time. Ensure no barriers prevent effective collaboration by ensuring everyone understands their appropriate role on any given issue – from developer/project manager all the way down through support staff like account managers who can provide technical assistance depending upon what angle needs addressing first. These guidelines will ensure that problems get solved as soon as possible so they don’t pile up. 


Being adaptable is a skill that can help developers stay relevant and valuable in today’s constantly-in flux industry. The ever-changing environment means it is necessary to keep up-to-date with new technologies, languages, trends; remaining current on these things will ensure one has what employers want – namely someone who isn’t stagnant. 


When hiring new employees, they need to be a good culture fit and team player. Regardless of how much time is spent on any specific project with your organization, the developer you bring in should understand business as whole-well to fulfill its vision while also working well within other departments involved like engineering or sales without causing conflict.

Time Management:

There are different projects, but they all have in common that their deadline can’t be missed. That’s why time management becomes increasingly important when a developer must complete the project on a timeline and with quality assurance at 100%. Time management is a top priority for any project requirement that has strict deadlines. Developing skills in this area will help you when working with developers on tight, deadline-oriented projects and be effective as soon as possible.  For those of us with entrepreneurial spirits, we know that your project is a top priority. Especially when working for the first time remotely or in an office without any face-to-face contact whatsoever–it can be hard to keep track of how much time each task actually takes because there isn’t anyone around who knows what all goes into one specific job! But if you can only get someone who knows how to manage their time from day 1, they will not let anything slip by unnoticed (pending unexpected issues).

Effort Estimation:

Designing and developing software is expensive. As such, it’s necessary to have an engineer that will accurately scope out a project–how long it’ll take them, for example– its moving parts to keep the product moving forward while also ensuring money isn’t being wasted on time or resources spent.  There’s an endless argument that accurate estimation of effort could fall under the category of “hard skills” because there’s a lot more than meets the eye. However, one should mention that developers with experience in this area will give you an idea of what your project looks like from both a dollar amount and human resources requirements standpoint.

Client Feedback:

It’s always advisable to hear what people think of your work, and it can be even better when they’re willing to share their thoughts. In this case, we have glowing feedback from one client who says that our team was great–just the kind of thing you want as an entrepreneur. It could give you a great look at their sort of developer and how your company matches up with the market. 

Junior-level React Native Developer

Engineers who have just graduated from college-level courses will be able to work on projects that require more advanced skills. Still, they need to get mentorship and guidance from middle and senior-level developers.  Junior-level engineers have little or no experience with React Native, but this should not be an issue as they are cheaper to hire, and their hourly rates tend to get lower than those of more experienced workers. Finding a talented junior that’ll quickly understand your tasks can be the key to growing them into qualified specialists within your company.  Junior React Native developers are not challenging to find. Most likely, they will only be recent graduates or those finishing their studies and switching from one framework of programming language into another – you can expect the following skills:
  • Knowing the basics of React Native (APIs, libraries, and components)
  • JavaScript Coding 
  • Ability to navigate within any React Native app
  • Familiarity with the state management tools such as Redux
  • Being ready for any app debugging and testing

Middle-Level React Native Developer

For the most part, when you require Middle-level engineers, they’ll have a solid understanding and experience working on typical React Native products. Advanced problem-solving skills aren’t needed, but it’s nice to see those who can help out if needed.  Software engineers at the middle level are more independent than junior-level ones. They have over two years of experience with React Native and successful projects in their portfolio, which makes them qualified for this position.  A mid-level React Native developer is essential to any project’s success. They specialize in a few tasks and have the ability and knowledge needed for leading teams or departments at scale while still being able to work with junior engineers as necessary. A software engineer aspiring to the middle-level React Native developer salary must possess various skills and knowledge. These include taking responsibility for complete solutions, offering creative input that impacts project outcomes, and delivering products on time with quality assurance in mind while maintaining an organized workflow process from the start (design) through the finish line. Mid-level React Native Roles and Responsibilities:
  • Operating databases, libraries, and data caching processes
  • Code splitting and optimizing app performances
  • Through APIs creating the Third-party service integration
  • Working with some mobile hardware such as camera, GPS, gyroscope and so on
  • App deployment on Google Play Store and App Store Market

Senior Level React Native Developer

Senior-level software engineers are experts in programming languages ​​and frameworks, with deep knowledge of making decisions that affect the company as a whole. Employers expect them to take on some independent work like mentoring junior developers or overseeing development projects from the start until completion–to hire such an expert would be necessary if you had three times more budget than what’s needed for average junior-level developers. A top-tier candidate is someone who has several successful products in their portfolio, as well as over three years of experience with React Native. The person also needs to have team management and tech leadership skills because that’s what you need when managing an app development team on your own or leading others down a path towards success.  A Senior-level React Native software developer should have a wide variety of skills and experience to tackle any case. The best thing is if you can find someone with creative solutions for highly complex issues, like those found within this position:
  • Continuous integration with continuous delivery
  • Native library and component integration
  • Turning Android and iOS apps into React Native apps  with the proficient knowledge of programming languages such as Swift, JavaScript, Kotlin, and Objective-C
  • Research-oriented approach with the thirst for constant innovative solutions
  • Advanced Communication Skills
  • Mentorship and leadership across the dev teams and general workflow management 

How much does it cost to hire a React Native Developer?

Image SourceCost to hire a react native developer To estimate your budget, it’s always essential to understand how much it costs to hire React Native developers. As we already know, the hourly rate is influenced by geographic location and experience as well as portfolio or skill set for us a better understanding of what kind of work they have done before, which will help with our decision-making process on who should do this project more appropriately so that not just wasted money out there but also development time factor too.  You must understand the factors affecting your budget when hiring a JavaScript developer. You can find out what these are by evaluating how complex programming tasks will be for this type of project, but always keep in mind that it may also depend on whether they’re an expert or not with coding languages. If there isn’t enough information available from previous experiences, then make sure to speak directly with senior developers before mentoring each other, who should help them throughout their development process. Keep in mind that sometimes you need a React Native app developer for certain high positions. Tech Lead and Software Architect are slightly different tasks than what they do as developers. However, people with software development expertise can still be accepted into these roles if their qualifications match up well enough. Junior-level employees earn three times less on average than Senior-level developers, or the React Native Software Architect does, so keep this fact in mind when looking at salaries online. 

React Native Developer Salary in India

React Native Developer in India makes an average of ₹429 per hour or about ₹836,250 annually. For entry-level positions, salaries start at 500K. Most experienced workers can expect to bring home an average of ₹1,766,000 annually. 

Options to Hire React Native Developers

Let’s say you need a software engineer. Three ways can be employed to find one: freelancers, onsite development at your company, or Outstaffing through digital HR solutions or the software development companies. Each option has its advantages and enables you to optimize your project development budget. Have a look at our tips on hiring developers in each category:

Hiring a Freelance React Native Developer

Image SourceHire a Freelance React Native Developer There’s no shortage of freelancers to choose from, but how do you find the best one? Upwork has been a popular option for small companies without an in-house team or with a limited budget. Toptal and React Native communities on GitHub, Linked In, and Facebook also offer their services. It works best for companies who need to outsource their work but cannot afford the costs of full-time employees, those who have short-term projects, or those in a crunch situation and only have limited funds available.  It can be a fair idea to hire remote freelancers for your React Native development. Not only will you not have to pay commissions, but the developer will also have all of their skills and experience on hand. Hence, they can complete any project successfully without too much trouble or wasted time waiting around at an office space somewhere between two countries.  With freelancers, you have to spend extra time finding the right candidate for your position. They’re also not always motivated and will communicate less than desired because of this lack of motivation which makes things more difficult on both sides – they won’t meet deadlines and provide good quality work if selected. A detailed job description helps you get those interested candidates that approach you with their best skill sets available so you can make sure everyone gets along just great when working together at last. 

Hiring In-House React Native Developer

Image SourceIn-House React Native Developer In the past years, it was very challenging to find talented candidates for jobs in technology. Most positions went through a single work-related site: LinkedIn. But now, there are so many options that offer your company an almost unlimited pool of potential employees from which they can choose – such as Technojobs or Glassdoor; if you’re looking specifically at JavaScript Engineers, then Indeed will provide what you need (and more). Whatever route suits best for finding talent and showcasing yourself in this rapidly evolving field.  The ideal candidate for this position can work with React Native and JavaScript on projects that require them. You need an experienced developer if you’re hiring someone for more than two years in the same job. Still, then again, it’s not too tricky since these developers are needed every few months or so at most digital product companies with a constant demand for new apps being made by the company.  Companies may find that in-house developers are an effective way to build and improve React Native products. This is because the company with an outsourcing model can control their work, which they can do by mentoring each other. In addition, as employees become more experienced with using these tools, it will be easier for them on future projects or if another team member needs help. Hiring is a time-consuming and risk-prone process, so you want to ensure that your choice will work out. If in-house hiring takes too long or doesn’t result in someone who suits what needs to be done for the project, all those efforts have been wasted. A lot can go wrong when bringing on new employees because there’s always some element of uncertainty about how well they match up against our requirements (whether personally or professionally). It’s also possible nobody will fit into place at all – meaning we’ll be starting over again from scratch. Additionally, you will only attract experienced employees if your React Native developer hourly rate is higher than similar companies or you have a strong HR team. Both require significant time and money investment.

How to Hire a React Native Developer from Software Development Company

Image SourceReact Native Developer from Software Development Company Clutch and Goodfirms are trusted sites to find suitable partners for your project. This works best for companies that don’t wish to maintain a whole development team, those with mid-size projects and entirely zero experience or knowledge in this kind of task.  The entire world of mobile app development is becoming more and more competitive. You need help if you’re not an expert in this field, but partnering with a software company will reduce risks for your business by providing required specialists who work quickly to meet deadlines while still meeting quality standards – all at the same time.  But this approach has its drawbacks. For instance, you need to consider that your outgoings are not just an average American developer’s wage in their home country. There will always be more than a 30% cut for the company’s commission to not compete on price.  A software development company will cover the entire process with an outsourcing model and provide you with only pre-made products. On the one hand, this means that they are in charge of everything from design to implementation; however, on another, it limits their creativity as well since all jobs must follow what’s been done before rather than being wholly new or altered significantly by yours alone (which would lead to more innovation). The alternative is hiring someone full-time who becomes temporary until discharged–but still counts as part of your team! This works best if there isn’t much budget allocated. 

How Squash Apps can help you in hiring React Native Developers?

Squash Apps is an innovative software company with talented tech employees to help businesses strengthen their teams. We can provide React Native experts and developers and launch your mobile application for you by completely taking on its development – the software architecture, design, and code.  We’re always interested in meeting new clients with project requirements. If you’re unsure about hiring remote developers, schedule a free consultation today to discuss your doubts, and we’ll get back to you soon!

Final Note

If you’re looking to create products that provide a high-quality user experience, React Native is the framework for your project. This mobile app development platform allows developers and designers alike to launch native apps on iOS devices and Android without needing extensive expertise in each operating system or programming language such as Objective-C (for iPhones) & Java (For Androids).  It is crucial to do rigorous research before you make a hiring decision by determining what type of React Native developer will best suit the needs for this position, as well as when they should finish it by and at how much in budget or scope with deadlines specific enough so that we know who’s going come into work on time every day without any problems from the beginning until the end. Squash Apps can perform a variety of services related to React Native. You have three options for cooperation: in-house model, freelancing, or opting for the software development company, and Squash Apps has helped many companies find their perfect fit with our expert advice, as well as quickly locating an executor within either outsourcing or Outstaffing models. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I hire a React Native app developer?

Three ways can be employed to find one: freelancers, onsite development at your company, or Outstaffing through digital HR solutions or the software development companies. Each option has its advantages and enables you to optimize your project development budget.
  1. How much does it cost to hire a React Native developer?

To estimate your budget, it is always essential to understand how much it costs to hire React Native developers. As we already know, the hourly rate is influenced by geographic location and experience as well as portfolio or skill set for us a better understanding of what kind of work they have done before, which will help with our decision making process on who should do this project more appropriately so that not just wasted money out there but also time factor too.  You must understand the factors affecting your budget when hiring a JavaScript developer. You can find out what these are by evaluating how complex programming tasks will be for this type of project, but keep in mind that it may also depend on whether they’re an expert or not with coding languages. If there isn’t enough information available from previous experiences, then make sure to speak directly with senior-level software engineers before making any final decisions about who should help them throughout their development process. React Native Developer in India makes an average of ₹429 per hour or about ₹836,250 annually. For entry-level positions, salaries start at 500K. Most experienced workers can expect to bring home an average of ₹1,766,000 annually. 
  1. Where can I hire a React Native developer?

If you’re looking to hire React Native developers, there are plenty of platforms where they can be found. Sites like Fiverr and Upwork have numerous talented individuals who specialize in this area as well; Toptal also offers great lists from which it is possible to choose a potential candidate based on their profile information, such as how many years experience or certifications that person holds that relate specifically with the development field.